The creation of a brand is as important as its positioning because it plays on the consumer’s perception when he or she listens to or thinks about a brand’s product or service. Do you know where a strong brand is built? Here we will explain and give you ideas on how to create it.
Today we are exposed to an extraordinary amount of brands, we find them everywhere, we ourselves are the perfect means of dissemination. When we want to create a brand we must take into account that it is composed of psychological elements, of graphic and verbal distinctions that are finally shared with the consumer.
How to create a brand?
A brand is built in the mind of your potential consumer. It is very important to be clear on this point and if you already have it, you are about to take the first step towards creating your brand.
Before creating your brand you must ask yourself basic questions such as:
- What service or product do I want to offer?
- What is the value and mission of the brand?
- Who is the brand directed to?
- What image do you want to give to the consumer?
This will also help you segment your market.
What are your objectives in creating a brand?
Establishing objectives will also be easier for you when creating your brand. If you already have them in mind, it would be ideal to put them in writing to give them greater fixation and fulfillment. Some of these could be
- Market the product or service we have in mind and create the ideal support environment.
- Create a community of customers
- Increase interest in our service or product
- Positioning in the market
We offer you 3 key strategies to create your brand
1. Brand location
This strategy is the main and most important one when creating your brand. The brand location serves us to determine the values within it as well. The following points will help you find your brand.
- Exclusivity: You will define which segment your service or product is aimed at and that it has a certain degree of exclusivity or that it is original. One of the things that most attracts a consumer is originality and authenticity.
- Price definition: It can be a low price or a high price, the high price must be supported by quality.
- Resistance: It projects the durability of the service or product, this will make you have a great advantage.
Age: Determine the age range of the consumer and focus on them.
2. Culture research
It is important to conduct in-depth research about the culture in which you will be immersed and to define the promises that the consumer, through his culture, expects to receive from your brand.
- Analyze the values of the space and the consumer you will be addressing
- Defines consumer tastes, habits and behaviours
- Know the laws and policies of your environment and your market sector.
3. Brand Identity
This is where creative minds come in, defining concepts, personality, emotions and shapes that will give your brand its name.
Remember that you must try to make your brand short, simple, easy to pronounce, eye-catching, original and memorable for the consumer.
To help you get a better idea of what a brand identity is, we’ll explain in detail the steps involved.
Choose a good name, it’s important. With this one, you will be known so you should be very careful when choosing your brand name. For the choice of a name to be effective it must be easy to pronounce, write and remember. Avoid misinterpretations, you will have to be more strategic and investigate the meaning of the name you choose in other languages.
An important tip when creating your brand name, ask what drives your business. For brands, the goal is to create a meaningful and unforgettable name, but first you must establish what the promise is that will make the consumer and what makes it authentic.
Brainstorm, write on paper different words or phrases that characterize your service or product. Once you have the list of key words, select the simplest, most recognizable and easiest to pronounce
The logo will be the tone of communication of the name, try to make it precise, attractive and memorable. Keep in mind that it should be understandable and adaptable in large and small sizes, in colors and grayscale.
Slogan. Your task will be to make it catchy, contagious and easy to remember. It has a single purpose, complements the brand identity and makes the consumer remember the brand without even naming it.
It will all be about creativity. It designs and carries out experiences that enrich a sense of tranquility to the client or consumer. When you have all this established, it is time to create sales and generate experiences by creating networks through which you can be in constant feedback with your customers.
To create a strong brand it is important to invest time in researching, defining and designing it. It is a fundamental piece in the communication with marketing aims, the effectiveness of the brand not only happens before the purchase, but also it includes the life of this one and the experience that it offers to the client.
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