Yummy Doh


Yummy Doh


Since 2018


Graphic Design
Environmental Design
Art Direction
Editorial Design

Yummy Doh

Brand creation, positioning and visibility

From brand creation, wholesale packaging to International Food Shows for an award-winning innovative product.

A product inspired by childhood nostalgia and a taste for fun, Yummy Doh is a dairy-free, vegan, and kosher raw cookie dough with no preservatives or artificial colors. Our team was mandated to create a playful, enticing, and versatile visual identity for the emerging brand. We provided website design services and created a full suite of marketing collateral to build brand awareness, connect with its target audience, and establish a competitive position in the market.

Destined for supermarket chains and wholesale aisles, our designers created modern packaging with a visible tieback to flavors—something eye-catching and dynamic. Resizable package design, attention to production, and printing costs were pivotal for the various sizes, including tubs, a single-serving container complete with a spoon-in-lid, and multipacks available at Costco.

We developed a layering concept by incorporating stripes into the design to help consumers visually identify their favorite flavor combinations. The Chocolate Chunk, for example, features beige as the base dough, brown is the chocolate flavor, and the top bar uses confetti as an animated illustration of the ingredients.

An award-winning project: Grafico won the best packaging for Frozen Foods/ Ingredients at the 7th edition of the GAÏA Awards.

As Yummy Doh’s creative partner, we created all digital and traditional marketing assets for brand touchpoints: website, social media, trade show graphics, banners, posters, van wraps, and vending machine graphics. At a retail level, we promoted brand visibility with Point of Purchase displays, wobblers, shelf cards, and promotional fridge stickers.

Grafico won Silver “2019 Summit Creative Award” for the Complete Branding Campaign of Yummy Doh. We continue to work closely with the brand as they prepare to release new flavors and gluten-free options. They have become an award-winning cookie dough company in a competitive market.


Yummy Doh


Since 2018


Graphic Design
Environmental Design
Art Direction
Editorial Design